2020年,所帶來的挑戰是前所未有的。 這一年,亦是貝多芬誕辰250週年,他儘管於1814年開始失去聽覺,陷入人生低谷,但卻能在逆境中自強,譜出驚世的偉大樂章。 這位傳奇的音樂巨匠,彷彿用生命告訴我們,音樂就是最好的疫苗,放眼明天,我們仍看見希望。
2020, a year full of unprecedented challenges and extraordinary circumstances. It also marks the 250th anniversary of the birth of Beethoven, whose greatness was achieved in spite of the adversaries he faced. His legacy is a stern reminder that music is the best vaccine of hope, in search for a 20/20 vision of tomorrow.
茶餐廳 自捌伍貳合唱組曲
for SA & piano (also available for SATB & piano)
published in Warren Lee (852) Choral Suite
蝸居。窩居 自捌伍貳合唱組曲
二零一九年。 香港住屋的荒誕、畸形現象,人所共知。 青年人面對單位愈劏愈細、租金卻愈住愈貴的現實與無奈,苦無出路。 作曲家把青年人這份「但求有蝸居」的卑微訴求訴諸音樂,然而,在音符高低跌宕之間,卻同時道出「安樂窩」的真諦,原來擁有家人的愛比擁有一室窩居更是彌足珍貴。
for SA or TB & piano (also available in SATB)
published in Warren Lee (852) Choral Suite
紅白藍精神 自捌伍貳合唱組曲
《紅白藍精神》是一整代成長於20世紀末的真香港人的集體回憶。他們對香港那份獨特的情懷,憑歌盡訴昔日生活裡的甜酸苦辣,箇中滋味實不足為外人道。 紅白藍尼龍帆布袋不但象徵著香港這片福地一個謙卑的開始,更代表了七百多萬港人那份堅韌靈活的精神。整篇樂曲巧合地全長97個小節,令作品增添了一層象徵意義。
for SA or TB & piano (also available in SATB)
published in Warren Lee (852) Choral Suite
for SATB & piano (also available for SSAA & piano)
published in A Tribute to Hong Kong Children's Choir Vol. 4
Inspired by the Lucinda Jacob's poem by the same title, The Dream of the Plastic Bag brings alive the feeling, emotion and aspiration of the plastic bags...
for SSA & piano
published by Hal Leonard / Pavane Publishing P1458
This piece is written with the hope of raising awareness of mental health in teens, especially in the cut-throat competitive world in which they inhabit today.
for SATB, piano & clarinet
available for digital purchase in Shop
for SSAA & piano
published in The Hong Kong Children's Choir 50th Anniversary Children's Choral Composition Selections Senior Level
時光倒流 自音樂劇書桌𥚃的信
Piano-Vocal score and DVD recording published in SPCC Centenary Spectacular (SPCC-11)
足印 自音樂劇書桌𥚃的信
Adapted from the musical Letters of Love, this song is inspired by the biblical poem, Footprints, with the chorus set to text from I Corinthians 13:13.
for SA & piano
published in Warren Lee Choral Music for Equal Voices
Dedicated to those whose mobile phones had gone off in concerts, this song is inspired by the famous "Nokia" ringtone - a motif from Grans Vals for Solo Guitar by Spanish composer, Francisco Tárrega.
This song was awarded 2nd Prize of the Gianni Bergamo Classic Music Award 2013.
for SATB & piano (also available in SSA & piano, published in Warren Lee Choral Music for Equal Voices)
Dedicated to the families and friends of the victims in the Las Vegas Shooting on October 1st, 2017, No Place In Our World is a stern musical response to violence of all shape and form and is inspired by the following quote by Leonard Bernstein:
“This will be our reply to violence: to make music more intensely, more beautifully and more devotedly than ever before.”
for SSAA & piano (also available for SATB & piano)
published in Warren Lee Choral Music for Equal Voices
The Lord’s Prayer, when set to music, allows one more time and space to reflect one’s thoughts, repent one’s sins and cleanse one’s soul.
for SATB & piano
published by PH Publisher
Alley in the Rain sets the famous poem by poet Dai Shu Wang to music with a rich choral texture and prominent piano part. Sound effect and dramatisation are optional.
for SSAA & piano
published in Warren Lee Choral Music for Equal Voices
The contrast between the coldness of the snow and the warmth of burning charcoal is depicted here between the major and minor sections, conveying the meaning of this Chinese idiom: to offer help in one's hours of need.
for SSA, violin & piano
published in Warren Lee Choral Music for Equal Voices
What better way is there to present this Chinese idiom than for the composer to "steal" from Bach, Grieg, Brahms, Beethoven, Paganini and Mozart unashamedly?
for SSA, piano and handbells
published in Warren Lee Choral Music for Equal Voices
for SSAA & piano
published in Warren Lee Choral Music for Equal Voices
With text adapted from Matthew 17:20 and Proverbs 16:20, As Small As A Mustard Seed begins with a majestic piano introduction depicting the seemingly immovable “mountains” of life’s struggles and obstacles. But when the purity of the children’s voices is heard in singing, “If you have faith in Him...", a stark contrast and a sense of inner peace is found in the music.
for SA & piano
published by PH Publishers

During a live radio interview when he was only four years old, Warren sat on the piano and composed a short “requiem” in memory of his deceased pet bird. Although the piano and his debut performance with the Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra at the age of six have headlined his career over the years, Warren has quietly produced a substantial catalogue of music as a composer, many of which have been recorded and published. Warren always strives for a balance between originality and immediate appeal in his creative outputs.
His choral composition, House Rules – based on the famous “Nokia” ringtone and dedicated to those whose phones had gone off during concerts – won the Second Prize of the Giovanni Bergamo Classic Music Award in Switzerland 2013. Many of his choral works are dedicated to the choirs at St. Paul’s Co-educational College, where he serves as the Music Director.
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